Senin, 19 Maret 2012

The Secret of Immortal Nicholas Flamel : The Warlock

Penulis   : Michael Scott
Penerbit : Matahati

The Warlock adalah buku seri ke-5 kisah Nicholas Flamel dan teman-temannya. Sebelum saya ceritakan sedikit tentang apa saja yang muncul di buku kelima ini, saya ingin mengungkapkan pendapat saya mengenai buku ini. Empat buku sebelumnya ditulis dengan plot yang cepat, bisa dikatakan mulai dari awal bab sampai dengan halaman terakhir buku penuh dengan klimaks. Pada buku terakhir kisah petualangan Nicholas Flamel dan kawan-kawannya ini diakhiri dengan sebuah tanda tanya besar, tentang Josh Newman salah seorang kembar yang memiliki aura emas murni mengkhianati teman dan saudarinya dengan membantu Dr. John Dee membebaskan Archon terkuat. Ekspektasi saya pada buku kelima ini akan terjadi banyak pertarungan untuk membebaskan Josh Newman dari pengaruh Dr. Dee. Setelah empat seri pembaca diajak berlari mengikuti alur cerita yang memacu adrenalin, seolah pada buku kelima ini adalah saatnya untuk beristirahat mengambil napas sejenak. Jika empat buku sebelumnya adalah klimaks, maka buku kelima ini adalah antiklimaks nya. Penulisnya (Michael Scott) sepertinya memberikan pilihan bagi para tokoh-tokohnya untuk memikirkan kembali sisi manakah yang akan mereka ambil, menjadi pahlawan ataukah menjadi monster. Beberapa lawan menjadi kawan, juga sebaliknya ada kawan yang berubah menjadi lawan.

Warlock artinya adalah mereka yang bersedia mengingkari sumpah mereka, atau lebih singkatnya disebut pengkhianat. Maka tanda tanya besarnya adalah "Siapakah yang menjadi pengkhianatnya?" 

Terbagi setidaknya menjadi empat sub cerita, The warlock menceritakan petualangan empat kelompok kecil. Tokoh-tokoh pada kelompok ini pada akhirnya akan diberikan pilihan untuk menetukan peran mereka pada cerita selanjutnya. Saya awali dari kelompok kecil Dr. Dee. 

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

The Bull

What you need to know about a Taurus lady ...

She is a beautifully figured tall -ish girl she has a good sense of humour and is naturally jolly. She also has a well structured face with high cheek bones and a look of intrigue in her dazzling eyes. A strong jaw line and a gorgeous smile that lights up the room as she rarely shares it with anyone. 
She is constantly thinking and developing herself and this can lead to her re-inventing herself quite alot. When she gets upset she doesn’t share this either and will keep it to herself for a long time. She has a habit of cutting people off forever and will treat you as a stranger if she gets really mad.
She can be patient but loves to be excited but a long conversation or long meetings are dull for her. She can be in love with you one day and the next day act as though she never love you. She has the patience to do anything and will not stop till she gets there. She’s persistent and it has to be a good reason for her to stop.

Money is always important but not the only thing and she thinks of money as a tool an insurance for a good life. Her satisfaction comes from achieving goals and fine clothes and luxuries come when they do. If you want love and romance this may not be the girl for you as she likes to work and keep it moving. She loves animals and to be surrounded by animals. Like her male counterpart love is in the heart but freedom is in the soul. She fears rejection and hence does not talk about how she feels when describing love. She would rather show you. However when she is in love she will be more honest to you then any other woman you have ever met. She doesn’t tell you what you want to hear she tells you what you need to hear.  

She is lead by the Goddess Venus and this can be a great relationship if you can trust her fully and allow her to be free. You can’t tame her but if you let her go out you know she’s completely different from her friends as she thinks differently and in a way unique only to a Taurus. If she thinks you’re not real or sincere she is not going to stick around but how she will determine this is a mystery of her own. You are allowed to love her but don’t compete or make it so that the love is inhibiting her freedom.  She’s daring and impulsive this makes her stand out but she gets along with all types in every crowd.

She is not a jealous person because she stays occupied with so many other things in life to wonder if you’re flirting with some other idiot. She needs attention but will miss you if you go away however if you don’t have something she is looking for she doesn’t hesitate to find it elsewhere. She doesn’t embarrass you in front of your friends and will defend you to the death but will also have the courage to tell you to your face if things aren’t working out. Taurus women are known as holding the record for divorce because they don’t care what people think about them because they are loyal to them self and they’re happiness. If she’s happy though she makes the most easy going friendly girl friend and wife who never needs to nag because there is always something more important to think about or do.

As a confident women she is admired by many and has lots of friends and if you think about it you might as well do it. Men fancy the challenge of her constant change. She’s funny and cute and also tough, resilient, and calm. Her own style of dressing and doing her hair this makes her a unique trend setter. She wants to know your dreams but will tease you and joke with you but never about anything sensitive. When she’s done something she thinks is wrong she will tell you but it may take time so don’t pressure her. She hates owing people money and takes your word as your bond and if you break it well you’ve had it. If you owe her money you better pay her or else.
If this is how you want to be with then don’t be clingy or needy or narrow minded. Don’t mention the little things cause she won’t. Let her have her own privacy and don’t criticize her and she’ll be sweet with you.

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